Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Friendship and other Misunderstandings

What is the measure of friendship? What measures how many relationships we actually have? Is it the amount of ‘friends’ we have on Facebook? An arbitrary number of mostly strangers we have collected over the years, to whom we barely speak or interact with. What really makes a person influential?

I’ve seen lots of people trying to prove they have friends and they are an honourable person, by surrounding themselves with numbers. Making it ‘hard’ for people to get near them. Making it an exclusive thing. Everyone wants to be in the inner circle, but few can handle it when they are there.

When you work with someone, sometimes you can become friends, but this is rare. The ‘friendship’ is usually based around common goals and work interests. You may share one or two things of a personal nature, but this does not make you ‘friends’.

To judge someone else from a distance as to whether or not they have ‘friends’ or people they know, is done in an effort to boost that person up and above the other. I have more friends therefore I am a better person. People love me. You are alone and will remain so with all the other people that have betrayed me.

This is such a twisted view of the world and also shows that the person presumes much. They presume that the other has no life outside of their experience with them. They don’t do anything else. They have no friends in real life.

All of this is known as projection. It is reflecting what is true for the other person and to make it untrue for themselves, they point it out in others, falsely, to make themselves feel and be more superior in all ways.

We were never friends.

You don’t know the actual true meaning of the word.

Carry on.