Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Hate Campaign

We’ve all seen them.They are kind of funny until you are the target of one though.

So much energy spent on hating me for something I didn’t do. Hatred expressed because of what someone thinks happened, and will not hear the truth because it doesn’t fit their agenda.

We had a meeting. The truth was told. It was not believed.

The truth can be proven, but won’t be, because it doesn’t suit the hater’s agenda. She needs you to believe, because you are her bread and butter and she has no other alternative to feed herself at this point in her life.

She needs you to believe every half truth, every lie, and feel sorry for her. She feeds off it. Like a vampire. The more sorry you feel for her the stronger she is and the more able she is to manipulate you.

I’m looking forward to more hate mail. I’m sure if you missed my home address the first time she will provide it again. But just be prepared to pay for it.

That’s right lovelies. You get to pay to hear all the dirt — like a twisted soap opera — do you want to spend your money to hear hate talk?

And how about those videos you are still waiting for that you paid for 8 months ago? How is that going for you? Can’t you see by now, they are not coming, and she devised ANOTHER scheme to take your money — and it’s not the thinkers amongst us that will be victims, it will be marginalised women, the elderly and the vulnerable who believe she is their friend and would never harm them — except you have to pay to continue to be in her circle.

I thought it was all about sewing — it’s not — it’s about how much hate she can generate to make herself the bigger person — the done wrong by.

If you really believe all of it — I have a great block of land for you.

Carry on.