Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

One Product Wonders

Some people can only concentrate on one thing at a time. That’s fine. Usually that one thing they are concentrating on is fantastic — usually.

Some people go through life only doing one thing, yes Ok some nothing at all — granted, but creatives usually do one thing, really well, over and over.

Look at Tula Pink for example. Up to 21/22 collections over 10/11 years, each collection unique and stunning, yet eminently Tula Pink. She has a certain style that runs through all of her work. She says she has at least another 20 collections in notes ready to go for things that she wants to complete. Let’s not even talk about all of her wonderful books and quilt patterns — I could be here all day.

My point is, when you find what you’re good at, and love, you tend to do it over and over again, perfecting upon the last effort, saying what you want to say because you haven’t quite said everything, or said it the way you wanted to (hello writer me).

But sometimes people get through life on one thing, one bag, one product in their store, zips and maybe venture to another thing like thread.

And that is all they do.

And that is they have.

And that is what they want your praise for.

If it’s a great bag and fantastic zippers that you cannot get anywhere else, by all means.

Just know, that when you are actually a creative you cannot help yourself but continue to make more, better, faster.

When I’m really in the zone writing, I get up 3 hours early just to pour it all out before the day actually gets started. When I’m quilting I stay up hours and hours piecing, contrasting, putting it all together.

There isn’t ever an excuse to NOT do it, because to NOT do it, is like telling me not to breathe. I make it happen. I make the time. I must do it, as compulsive as ever breaking waves, I cannot stop it, nor do I want to.

So ask yourself, are you being sold a product or passion? If it’s a passion you will be able to tell for yourself its authenticity. There will be more of the same, yet different, new and exciting and unique.

If it’s just a product, you will be able to find it at Walmart.

Carry on.