Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Say it isn’t Sew

I’ve been accused of many things. At this point I’m surprised I haven’t been tied into the Kennedy assassination somehow. So let’s take a little peak at some of the most outstanding matters.

The first 12 days of a website that wasn’t propagating. I have in my possession transcripts of all the of the support conversations proving what happened there. We were given incorrect advice. Pure and simple.

BUT, there was NO CONTENT on the site at that point. The only thing people were missing out on, was the opportunity to pay more money — that’s all.

Eventually everyone did pay money — lots of it — for a product that still isn’t available 7 months down the track.

I received $7,000 for my labour. True. The agreement, although never ever put in writing, was 5% of the cart. So at 5% that means the owner must have reached $140,000. Even if they admit to 10% it’s still $70,000 that they have taken — with no product supplied for 7 months.

Have I done anything unlawful or illegal? No. Unethical — definitely. One thing. Which I, like my accuser, will not put in writing. But let me say this, this is what I COULD have done

Taken control of the domain account.

Taken control of the hosting account.

Put malicious scripts into the servers.

Deleted not one but 9 websites, 3 of which were bring in significant income.

Stolen an email list of 30,000 and sent emails to everyone — did you get one? The only emails that were sent from my list which had some mutual members who had double opted in to receive email from me. Check the account that you have in your control now — you will see they opted in of their own volition. All 10 of them. the other subscribers were garnered through advertising.

I didn’t do any of it. It’s not me. My accuser has done this though. Has taken one of my accounts that I held for 10 years, my reputation based upon it that led to their profit, and it has been taken by them. Has emailed lots of people how disgusting and illegal my actions have been — I can actually produce that email unlike my accuser. Has put my home address, not a matter of public record, on the internet for all to see and for hate mail to be delivered to.

If you choose to believe someone it is because you have a vested interest in that belief. You have paid them money. You want their product. You want them to succeed. I get it.

Your beliefs and trust would be better served elsewhere, where the truth can indeed set you free to enjoy the small amount of time we have left on the planet, in one of the most tumultuous times we have lived, and get a little perspective on what is really important.

There are plenty of bags out there — go make another one.

Carry on.