Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew – Come Get Us

Let’s address a few things here before hand.

The Sew Loaded Bag does not breach any intellectual property – you cannot claim intellectual property over an idea – nothing PUBLISHED – nothing to defend.

It does not breach copyright – of anything – it is an unique customisable bag that can be upsized, downsized and changed to whatever the user/maker wants.

On another note let’s talk about wire fraud and the FBI.

Wire fraud is only committed if someone asks for money. As I didn’t ask for anything – except a reference (that didn’t work out so well now did it ROFL) – I have not committed any fraud. I did not make any claim for compensation. I did not make any claims that I am a programmer. I can set up wordpress sites. That’s all I offered – ever.

Your own underhanded business practices are coming back to bite you in your fat ass. Only verbal agreements – it’s your word against mine – and with you in the trailer park and me with 2 degrees and a Masters – well let’s just see who believes who. Let’s not forget all those bankrupcies and judgements either – that is a GREAT look for us.

But more importantly, the FBI and other authorities already have my forensic report – thank you Mr Private Investigator – You know who you are – You played right into my hands going to the FBI you stupid cow. They of course will not confirm or deny this to anyone – it’s an ongoing investigation – but Fraud is ongoing. It’s not me doing it either.

We are over 50,000 strong across many many sewing groups across Facebook, Craftsy, Etsy, Ebay, and independent webmasters.

You have a group of 12,000 – 10,000 of which are ours, sending us everything you write, say or do – all adding to the charges – thank you very much. Spelling my name and giving my email address – thank you so so very much – there is no doubt who you are talking about – and it adds up to thousands of dollars for damages for me. I have 3 lawyers begging to take the case at the moment – one offered for free as the final bait – to take you down – trailer and all.

Keep coming at us. Keep sending in your army. We love every minute of it because it means more dollars in compensation for us.

You can’t lose what you never agreed to in writing. FUCK YOU BFS – come get us – we have the world watching you.


Try this exercise if you are so confident – kick everyone out of your group and see who actually asks to come back – I DARE YOU – or let us S.L.A.P you – i.e. Show you how to Sew Like A Puppet – gotta be better than what we’re seeing now – oh that’s right – we’re not seeing anything.


Carry on

One thought on “Sew – Come Get Us

  • Julzcanuck

    I hope that her “army” realizes that they, by posting negative and demeaning comments, are now accessories to her slander, libel and defamation case. Did you notice that she doesn’t go on any of the pages and leave negative remarks herself? Why? Because her hands are clean when YOU do it. And she knows it. But she isn’t the least bit smart. Only sick; very sick. And you are the ones being used by the cult leader. Think before you do anything that she tells you to do. Who tells you who you can like, what you are allowed to do and who to talk to. Why? Who is she really? Check her record. You are not her first victim. Will you be her last?

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