Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Cooking Recipes

Let’s talk about the new food site – again maybe – but I had a thought about it.

So you get to access recipes for a fee – that are available online for free.

Then at the end of say, um 12 months, ‘someone’ is going to compile a cookbook and presumably sell it – to do ‘the good work’ with.

So if you share a family recipe, handed down from generation to generation and it appears in the cookbook, who has the rights to that cookbook? Who owns the rights now to your recipe?

Moreover, who gets the profits from said cookbook, or will you donate your portion of the proceeds?

Let’s say it’s a worldwide hit, just pretend with me for a second for the point of the argument no matter how far fetched, let’s pretend it earns millions of dollars. Who shall you trust with that money? Let’s just say at not so much of a stretch that it makes $10,000 – this is actually possible – who do you trust to hold that money and then to put it ‘to good work’?

How will you monitor the income and expenses? Where will the money be kept? Who has the ultimate responsibility for it?


I know these are the poo poo questions when you all you want to do is something good for someone – sponsor a starving child and don’t tell anyone – but THINK about what sort of arrangement you are about to enter before you put your family secret recipes on some random website.


Carry on.

2 thoughts on “Sew Cooking Recipes

  • SewsAllNight

    Not gonna happen!! Family recipes are tailored to the tastes of a specific family. People who share their recipes never give you the exact ingredients anyway if they are smart. A good cook knows when a dish is lacking something and what it takes to taste good and doesn’t need a recipe!! The old trial and error method is how good dishes are made and enjoyed. No subscription needed for that!!

  • Ohh, I’ve seen this one before! Sheep lined up to be fleeced in the name of charity by sharing beloved family recipes – she’s losing her touch, perhaps a touch of vertigo from all that circling of the drain that’s going on. Sadly, because “the chef” has such a following of needy, desperate people, this could possibly be pulled off. Others have, or at least for a time. In the end they’ve all been caught, because sooner or later the truth will out.

    I’m hoping for another dish for this chef before it goes any further.
    I understand it’s best served cold.

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