Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Cycological


It all starts with a Pedicab ride.

Innocent enough at first but you soon see a different side.

You want to believe what you first saw – do so at your own peril.

Always, always trust your first instincts about someone. I wish I had.

First they gain your sympathy, then your trust and help, then they renew the sympathy again, cos the world really is against them you know. Everything on the internet is about them.

Seriously, do you think they could get the whole internet taken down?

Then what would they do? How could they communicate with their customers? How could they get sales? How could they crush the competition.

It’s OK for one to use the internet to trash and slander but an innocuous post about a fictional character gets taken down because it just might be about them?

Please tell me you see the double standard here.

So there will be links to certain videos stored in the cloud shared across the internet and the origin will not be easily found but the videos will be shown worldwide to a captive audience.

Here are some of the cliff notes


“I won’d do anything until Monday”

“There were no videos. She didn’t delete them.”

“I want to start the videos all over again.”

“I hate my daughter”

“Who let that in here?”

“I can’t finish this stupid workshop.”

“I just have to keep them waiting long enough. I changed the terms they can’t get their refunds anymore. We’re fine.”

All on video. All to be shared across the internet.


Carry on.