Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Don’t Forget

There are key points I want you all to remember when I’m not around to remind you, and also to share with others who may inadvertently fall under the spell of fat cheeks.

Don’t forget who took $100K and still has not produced.

Don’t forget who is looking for somewhere to live because of her. (me)

Don’t forget I was paid and then understood what was happening and refused to play anymore.

Don’t forget how vicious the first arrow was that she threw – this is the consequence of that first misplaced arrow.

Don’t forget I only started working with her in December 2016 and by April 2017 I was gone because I worked her out.

Don’t forget how deeply, deeply sorry I am that I enabled her to take your money.

Don’t forget what you paid for – an update to a pattern, a new pattern, and 5 video workshops (at least).

Don’t forget that I will not stop.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.