Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sew Like a Puppet

Sew I Broke


I broke into 1000’s of tiny pieces and I am slowly collecting them all, bar a few that I no longer need, back into some form of myself so that I can go on.

It is not easy to lose everything, as some of you know, but to have it contributed to by such a vile being was a bit more than I could take. Years of my work, building a reputation, client base, have all beenĀ destroyed. Thousands of self eduction dollars are down the drain never to be used again in the space that I held so dear.

No-one in the sewing community will or should work with me. I bring the wrath of the indoctrinated with me everywhere I go and that is not something I will inflict on others who are trying to build their names inĀ the space.

Some of you will know very well the pattern of behaviour I spoke about and demonstrated clearly regarding the hater campaign. So it is without surprise that Mary Johnston-Thompson has emerged again on Instagram, following my long absence. I knew if I were quiet long enough, not that I was able to speak, she would re-emerge so that there was an active hate campaign going. A hate campaign must be alive and well at all times so that there is always a current excuse as to why products are not supplied.

I know in every fibre of my being who this person is. Until they show validation for this site and direct readers to the truth of the matter, there will be no doubt.

Alice in Wonderland stays for the money. You cannot blame her really. She is older and desperate and trying to find her way in a complex world that has no real place for her. She wants to gain more skills so she is valuable to someone, feed her grandchildren. I get it. I have come to know well that some people have no morals or scruples when it comes to money and she is just another in the line. Similarly, if developer dude is even still around, he must see by now that what I told him would happen, has indeed happened and if he doesn’t have any doubts, then he too is not the human I hoped him to be.

I am sorry I let you all down but I am a frail human. My life has had many tragedies, great losses and I am alone in it all and it all just became a bit much for a while.

As I become stronger and find somewhere to live and unpack, the puppets will be coming. I need humour in my life and they give it to me every day. It is the only way forward for me, to laugh at the evil and treachery.

Sewing Wars – A Bionic Tale of Treachery didn’t make it out before xmas but it is scheduled to be published later in the year.

Thank you my puppets for being the people who you are, the ones who can see through the facade that it is evil.

A long road is walked by many small steps, and this is my small step back. I am not defeated but I did lose my shit for a bit there.

Carry on.