Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew I Used the Wrong Word

Turns out I shouldn’t have said testimony, because it caused a huge flurry of activity, courthouse stalking, airport stalking, public searches and various other activities.

What I should have said, I think, was deposition. I think that is what it means, when you sit in your lawyer’s office with a video recording and sound recorder, a scribe, and lawyers and aids.

No matter. It’s all on record now. All the evidence is with the proper authorities and civil actions have commenced. Was a very productive week for me. I will back early next/mid next year for an actual holiday.

Keep that smoke and mirror stuff going fat cheeks All those pages you put up this week, only solidifies our case against you. Thanks so much. My lawyers love you so much I can’t even.

Nothing is going to save them now.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.


One thought on “Sew I Used the Wrong Word

  • Dreamsnake

    ? AWW, well gosh golly gee, isn’t that just a shame! Sew much time wasted, sew much panic and worrying, sew much stalking, sew much effort; all for naught! Shuckers! I’m sure you’re just sew broken up over that little mistake. I do hope it didn’t inconvenience anyone! ?

    Yes indeed, it’s truly too bad, sew sad! ?

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