Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Innovative

Not surprisingly, I have taken a fair bit of heat regarding the Puppet Baby Gear Bag. But we have also made solid sales for a debut pattern for which I am very grateful and will use these to continue to buy supplies to build the puppets.


Let’s address the elephant on the internet though shall we?


In order to claim copyright, something must first be published as a pattern, and even then it’s debatable regarding PATENT, COPYRIGHT and rights of use. To understand the differences, please begin your law degree when you finish reading this post. Suffice to say – you can’t infringe that which doesn’t exist in the same form in which you have demonstrated it.


Likewise, the Sew Loaded Bag is a new bag, adaptable to many, many dimensions to suit your own needs and also addresses a huge hole the market for which people have paid and are still waiting for a mother amazing quilter retreat load gear bag – what the hell ever the name is this week. It’s still not a pattern. IT’S AN IDEA.

Unfortunately – you cannot copyright your brain – sorry about that – just is.

There are those who are going to do what they say (me) and those that say what they’re going to do (her).

The world is moving far to quickly to dilly dally.

It is very rare in this point of human history to find an original idea. However we see innovation upon ideas, every day. Innovation is driving the mobile phone industry, the internet, technology in general. But it pretty much all works the same. The idea itself is long gone. It is innovation and improvement that drive things further.

The Bionic Gear Bag is an example of such innovation. Originally this bag presented to the market as the Sew Together Bag and the BGB creator innovated upon it – she admits this in her own words – biting back now on her own argument – but obviously a well fought and won argument. They couldn’t sue you, and likewise you cannot sue us. Talk it up though – increases the ratings. However, 15,000 peeps and rising are hearing the other side of the argument – just sew you know.


It’s not OK to take people’s money in November, December, 2016, January 2017, February 2017, March 2017, April 2017, May 2017, June 2017, July 2017, August 2017 and not deliver a workshop or pattern.


It’s not OK to take orders for zippers in January 2017 and still have customers waiting TODAY.


I will keep screaming from the roof tops, that this is NOT OK and it had NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. And I have the DAMN PROOF. You keep trying to yell over the top of me, 15,000 are hearing you try. I deeply, deeply regret every dollar I helped you to pocket.


Start chomping on those words that are coming back to bite you because the world rewards innovation and speed, not promises and rhetoric.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action