Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Intent

Well I read a lovely piece of correspondence today regarding what a developer dude thought my intentions were.

It also speaks to my knowledge (or lack of) certain computer languages.

So let me clear that up.

There are about roughly um millions of  bloggers out there who know fuck all about computer language but are able to produce content and videos every single day, so a degree in php is not necessary to be able to get content online, or to assist someone get a wordpress site up – happens everyday all around the world, thousands of times per day.  This is the beautiful thing about the age we are living in – its called WYSIWYG – what you see is what you get. No-one needs to know php, Css etc to put a website up. It helps sure if you want to do something fancy, but not essential anymore.

I never proclaimed to be an expert. I said I could help to get it up and running and that is what I did.

Now my intent – to never finish the site – that he cannot speak to. He has no knowledge of my intent, only what he has been led to believe and this will not stand up in any court in any land.

Spend your thousands of dollars if you must, but discovery will show ( and has already shown to my own barrister and US attorney) that there is no evidence to any of what I am being accused of, by actions or intent, because it just isn’t true.

I stand firm.

The truth will win no matter how others twist it for their own gain. Just another puppet being manipulated by another’s hand.

I wonder how much he was paid to write that letter anyway, and if indeed he is even invoicing her, now that we have the whole name, probs an easy thing to advise the IRS of don’t you think? You want to go down with the sinking ship you’re already on – you’re going the right way about it mate.


Carry on.

2 thoughts on “Sew Intent

  • Ha, the statement is problematic anyway. It’s long on opinions outside of his area of expertise (“unhinged”; “defamation”; “ill-intent”?) and short on anything that is actually within his alleged expertise. In addition, surely one of the first things one’s lawyer says when being hired for litigation is not to publish documents one intends to rely on in court on social media? Many problems…

    • PuppetMaster

      Yes, yes it is the first thing they say, but it hasn’t stopped them before ala Cease and Desist posted to over 10,000 with my home address on it, and won’t stop them now. Just goes to show the calibre of who you are dealing with.

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