Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew It Seams

I read a very interesting post today. One that was questioned by the leader immediately as it was an exact reflection of what they are doing to me, and she wasn’t sure whether the poster was being supportive or attacking.

Let’s be crystal clear – again.

Once something is in the world, and if you don’t register Copyright (US only) or take a patent (world wide) ideas are up for grabs.

I could have published patterns years ago if I so desired. However, I wanted to give them a chance to get established and FULFIL their obligations. 

Months have gone by.

I unwittingly gave them a perfect excuse to provide you for not completing the task at hand. That was not my intention but it was an opportunity used to its full advantage to deflect from the actual issue.

They cannot even provide an UPDATE to the original pattern from 2014. That was supposed to be included in the $29.00 workshop – still waiting.

Not even to mention the new pattern which as previously posted on this site, was started in 2015.

Enough is enough.

I am not going to stand by and let them take any more of your money and not provide a product. 10 months is long enough.

I’m coming to Colorado – cos I have to testify in person – all expenses paid too. Also if they can’t work out what FW stands for, they have no idea what I mean by my puppets – it’s not derogatory at all. It’s a puppet thing that’s all.

Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.


One thought on “Sew It Seams

  • Dreamsnake

    We’re all behind you, beloved Puppet master!! I was being fairly quiet and well behaved on this whole thing *cough-cough* but when my name was put out there, that was it. Game on.
    We’ll have to come up with a new name for you soon…I’m thinking perhaps “Karma”?!

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