Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Class Action

Sew It’s a Class Action

We have done it! We have gathered 127 people so far to form a class action against and


This is the result of a lot of hard work and building trust with people who have no reason to trust us, except that we are telling the truth.


We are collectively, telling the truth.


If you would like to join the others you can register here


Please complete and return the form (instructions are on the form) and we can add you to the class action.


There are no costs to claimants.


Thinking that’s only $9.00, $29.00, $49.00 or $129.00? Our class action is seeking compensation for $US 2million as this is the total amount she has received through taking payments without providing products. Her claimants are WORLDWIDE not restricted to US. The action includes zippers which weren’t delivered from and all the videos, courses and patterns which have still not been delivered on


We’re not stopping.


Carry on and let fear drive you forward.