Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sew Like a Puppet

Sew Know This

There’s only a couple of sleeps left until Sewing Wars comes out.


I thought I would expand here a little bit about a section that may shock and surprise, or may not at all.


Part of what the admins do is check out every member request before they get approved. To do so, each member’s profile is scrutinised by who their friends are, which groups they belong to, what posts like have liked (Instagram) and what pages they follow.


If you happen to like something or make a comment on Facebook about something that has been ‘disapproved’ the information will be screenshot and put up for review by all the admins and those working for FC. This is up in a secret Facebook Group.


So if you’re still a member of that nice community, you should understand that all your public information is recorded in a secret facebook group and before you get kicked out for being not sew nice, everything of yours is either screenshot, emailed, shared, downloaded and saved onto a Google Drive.


It’s paranoia on steroids and you are still subject to it, if you are still a member.


Time to get the hell out of dodge if you ask me.


Carry on and let fear drive you forward.