Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Many Patterns – Sew Much Control

Thank you everyone for your overwhelming support for the Puppet Baby Gear Bag which debuted yesterday.

I have already had two heated discussions on the internet about stealing a pattern so I’m going to address that here, in the words of another pattern designer who puts it so succinctly.

Firstly, in a recent video she stated “There is no competition in patterns. You buy a pattern you might make it or not – who cares. There is no competition.”

Secondly, to steal something, in my opinion, is to take something that is already published elsewhere, currently, and then claim it as your own work. Plagiarism.

Thirdly, if ANYTHING is changed, it becomes something new. Let’s take the Sew Together Bag which is the pattern that gave rise to the Bionic Gear Bag. Here is the article from the designer herself.

Here it is in plainer language



So let’s address a couple of things regarding The Puppet Baby Gear Bag and the Sew Loaded Bag – the Mother of all bags.

Both of these patterns are unique in their own right.

They have not plagiarised a known PUBLISHED pattern.

We all have great ideas, great and good intentions. It is what you DO and PUBLISH that matters.


We cannot allow fear to stop us from living our brief lives. The illusion of a huge following is just that – an illusion – and it is manipulated to instil fear in those who have a vested interest, for whatever reason, to stay within the community. I watch for happiness as the number of ‘engaged’ community members dwindles, week after week. The old and stead fast replaced with the new and naive, only to find that their guru is not who they thought and they too leave.

Live by rules bestowed upon you by your great leader, or come live a free and fulfilled life where you can like and sew whatever you like without fear of judgement, rejection, humiliation and intimidation.  We band together when one is attacked – we all stand with them. You will not be alone for having your own mind – we embrace and celebrate it.



Carry on.