Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Many Patterns to Choose From

I got a lovely screenshot today from a son so proud of his mother for actually doing some work.

It’s easy to do videos for a bag once the pattern has been written for you don’t you think?

Will be really interesting to see what actually gets published as part of the workshop that can be claimed to be original at this point though.

Every single dimension of the bag is covered in all of our patterns, from 2 inches to 26 inches. With every conceivable variation to pocket size, type, and variation to the side piece. All the instructions show you 3 different ways to construct the bags.

So if you’re handing over $29.00 for a workshop you got suckered my friends. We have it all for free – the videos. Our patterns are $5.00 or less and only take up to 10 pages instead of 84.

Hope she read them properly to give you your workshop that you paid for almost a year ago.

There are lots of patterns out there – no competition right fat cheeks? You had lots of them to choose from to get your pattern done from – all of them were already done by others.

Cast a stone fat cheeks – don’t let the glass cut you on the ricochet.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.

7 thoughts on “Sew Many Patterns to Choose From

  • Dreamsnake

    Sew shocked! Ok, I’m not. I called this – said this is what Short Bus S***y would do! She’s a thief, a bully, a liar & a con artist.
    Can’t WAIT to see her in her new fashion accessory!

    • love2kwilt

      So that is what the “SBS” stands for?! I’ve been trying to figure it out!

      • PuppetMaster

        I am unable to write that here I’m afraid.

  • Julzcanuck

    She will copy your pattern and claim it as hers! She NEVER figured out the dimensions on her pattern, so she should thank you for figuring it out for her! I think her math skills are somewhat in the preschool range…. just my opinion, ya know.

    • PuppetMaster

      Well I really did her a huge favour and wrote it for her – you know cos it was taking years. You know what I find absolutely hysterical in all of this – the original STILL has no update! How hard is that to edit your own work from 3 years ago. This makes me think that maybe it wasn’t hers to begin with cos she can’t even edit what already exists.

  • Sonorawnds

    This is distressing if true. I paid for the tutorial* first, then enhanced membership* (way too long ago to receive refund). The refund offered for patterns bought on a crafting website* (3) was canceled the day I bought enhanced membership*. Now I’ve purchased your preferred pattern. I’ve essentially paid for the same thing three times. I certainly hope she paid you for the pattern she is now “possibly” copying.

    *names have been changed.

    • PuppetMaster

      Well it will be very interesting to see how she can possibly change it enough – up to 30% change is necessary and she only knows how to sew it one way – if at all

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