Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Me The Money

This is all about the money. It’s not about who did what to who. Well it kind of is, because she took all your money and has nothing to show for it. So let’s recap the cash flow.

I started the site (I cannot apologise enough) in December 2016 after payments had already been received in October and November 2016 for VIP members @ $129.00 a pop.

$30,000 was taken in the first two weeks. By the end of March over $50,000 was taken in subscriptions and donations. Then she borrowed another $30,000 against that.

And then I woke up. Again, sorry it took me so long. Did I get paid? Absolutely. Did I ask for payment? No. Did I invoice her? No. Did she sign a service agreement? No. Did she entice me with a $100K a year position? Yes. Did I want to take that money from you who were paying for nothing? No. I could not in all good conscience tell you through the support desk that the videos were coming, when I knew they were not. Her current admins have no such problems. Tells you more about them I guess.

No videos were done for the workshops. No patterns had been written. But we did spend hours and hours on zoom calls trying to track down internet trolls. They weren’t me either and the forensic report (again sorry) substantiates that.

Moving onto the zipper and thread system.

With the impending new workshop to start March 15 a MASSIVE zipper buy ensued so everyone could get ready for the workshop. Some people are still waiting for them. I digress.

When the zippers arrived she didn’t have shipping money so she opened a thread buy. With that money coming in she was able to buy shipping and send out a package at a time.

That is how the system works.

Where did the money go? You saw those shiny new pedicabs right and the shiny new teeth and all that computer and camera gear.

She looks the part – but that is all it is. A show. The whole thing is a show to her that is bringing in significant amounts of money because people are still being fed to her, unaware of what is going on, from their purchase of the pattern.

She complains that sales have dropped and it’s Crafty’s fault. She truly expects to make $100K a year from that original pattern for the rest of her life. As you know, products run their course. People get bored and move on to different things. A flash in the pan is covered by a wet cloth and people forget it ever happened.

So the new pattern was supposed to be the saving grace of her business and her retirement fund, because everyone who bought the first pattern will of course buy the second and another $200K will come pouring in and she can live happily ever after.

Except a funny thing happened. It was never written. It still, is supposedly in development. Who can blame me for taking advantage of a hole in the market? If it wasn’t me it would have been someone else. Many have tried to replicate a pattern like hers only to be harassed off craftsy, youtube and the internet. And even if you do blame me for being unethical consider this – I did not take a penny in ADVANCE for anything. Just think about that – especially if you have been waiting over 6 months.

No such luck with me.

You cannot steal that which doesn’t exist. You can create something new after being inspired by someone else’s idea. There is nothing illegal or criminal about it. She has taken down her posts which show her own argument about changing the size of a bag means that it is something new and a bag pattern cannot be copyright.

My work, in telling you the truth, is having a direct impact on her business and for that I am glad. The truth is not slander, libel or defamation. It’s call whistle blowing. And that is what I am doing. I saw the inside of that operation and I am here to tell you that it is all about the money.

She has a shit tonne of yours, collectively, all of you giving her little bits here, little bits there. Some of you lots of bits here and lots of bits there. So far she has taken over $100K and barely got the second workshop finished a week ago and there is still no pattern.

But she has tonnes of time to create pages and pages on Facebook aimed at wrecking me and my business. Um der – you already did that fool what more do you think you can have?

The pen is mightier than the sword and I will continue to tell you the truth for as long as I draw breath. It’s up to you whether you believe it or not. Open your eyes, for just a moment, take all of her rhetoric and statements of being a victim out of it for a minute and ask yourself a simple question – why isn’t she doing the work I paid for?


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.