Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Minions Here is Your Reading List

I know that some of you are even too scared to click to see this in case they find out, but you are not identified when you come to the site.

I thought I would put together a quick reading list for you minions, so you can get all caught up on who you are protecting.

Quick history:


October 2016 – nearly broke – ask for loans of several people – give the idea for workshops – start selling with no idea how to fulfil.

November 2016 – keeps taking money – will work out the tech

December 2016 – is born (sorry about that my bad)

January 2017 – over $33,000 taken in 2 days.

February 2017 – still taking a healthy amount of subscriptions – still no videos

March 2017 – still no videos – start to get suspicious



April 2017 – no videos – I’m out

May 2017 – Present – I am being blamed for everything wrong that ever happened including somehow being involved in her daughter’s death.


Here is your reading list. After reading these facts, undisputed by the way, then decide if you still want to attack me for telling you the truth.  It’s not a rabbit if it quacks like a duck, over and over and over again.


Sew Foggy

Sewing Cash Flow

Truth Lies and Videotape

Sewing Forensic Files

Sew Cooking Recipes

Sew Copyrighted

Sew Many Patterns Sew Much Control – this is of particular interest in the history of how her bag even came to be – she stole someone else’s pattern. Karma is a biatch.

Sew Much Reflection