Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Much Bad Luck

Some people have all the luck in the world, and others just seem to have a bad run of it. Don’t you find that?

Let’s review.

Over 300 bad days in a row where nothing could be accomplished to provide the paid products. That’s dreadful luck.

Every single assistant, admin and moderator turned out to be a jackass, asshole and worse.

Every order placed everywhere gets messed up.


My word, has that EVER happened to you? Everyone you work with is crap and a horrible person? Every single day is so horrible, that you can’t even write a paragraph of an update of an OLD pattern?


How about those orders though. Wouldn’t you think that if every single order of zippers and threads gets screwed up, you would at least consider changing suppliers? Wait, that’s right, it’s the only place that will deal with them because they lost their accounts everywhere else.


Funny, how some businesses can only do pre-orders and you have to wait weeks, and others have them ordered and shipped within a week. And colors? Hell yeah. How many colors do you need?


Go check and see how much Superior Thread and zippers you can get right now BELOW retail without having to mortgage your house for a big order and wait over 8 weeks for delivery.


I had my fair share of bad luck. One person can change your life forever. It’s the power you give them over you that matters. And they have no power over me whatsoever. And yes, I have some mighty big players behind me right now and we are all coming at them.


Because enough is enough. Stop taking people’s money for nothing.


The knock on the door, it’s coming lovely. Could be me in person.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.