Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Much Reflection

I have been thinking a lot about how I got to this place. How it all went this way and how things could have been I guess. Here are some of my thoughts.

When I first went into that group, I really wanted it to be true. I wanted to belong to a fun group, learn some new skills and be a part of something fun. I could see where they wanted to go and I knew I could help with a WordPress site. So as a community member I offered to help.

I worked for them like I work for everyone – I gave it 100% – I work hard, as you can all see by what I produce day in and day out. I have 2 other jobs as well as this at the moment, so I’m pretty busy – but if I say I will – I DO. If I can’t meet a deadline, I don’t take the job. Pretty simple really.

Anyway, it was a HUGE success. I mean HUGE. It was conceivable that we would hit $100,000 within another month. That is BIG business for an online launch.

But a very strange thing happened.

No videos were being done.




So we took out ALL the hurdles as to why they weren’t being done, namely some online trolling that had popped up around December/January.


Mmmmm. Same time as launch.


So I kept making lemonade out of lemons the best way I could, but after 3 months of making the same excuses through the support desk, I could not continue to do it. I could see what was happening – or what was not happening. All the money was pouring in – but there were no outputs. There was only one person who could make the videos – and they weren’t doing it.


As for the donations to the dentist – yeah they came pouring in as well – so many genuine like minded souls in that group – but they didn’t make it to the dentist. Not as a donation anyway.


I am so grateful that I saw what was happening so quickly and got out. I know there are many who don’t, and will never believe me. I’m OK with that. I watch as you wait, and wait and wait. I cringe as I see the money being taken from you – for a promise – that is 10 months old – and people are still believing – because there is such a high turnover of short attention span – people come – pay – they go. Some get their money back, others don’t and stubbornly wait for their products or whatever their agenda is to stay there.


I provided a grand excuse for why the videos weren’t being done, so another 180 days could roll on by without you noticing, until you find yourself unable to get your money back.


Try not to be intimidated by the threats – that is all they are. She has no grounds to actually take LEGAL action against me, but I have plenty.


Take a good look at that camper – it’s about to become mine in damages.


As for threads and zippers – her retail prices set in the store are marked UP 50% so when she offers a 20% coupon or more you are actually getting RRP and the VIP’s only end up with 5% off RRP.

Go check the listing prices of thread and zippers here – in stock all the time – no thread buy or zipper buy needed. You order it you get it.

Don’t be fooled by the sales talk – that is all it is.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.