Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Much Wait

I am not going to talk about weight because that’s just mean. But I am going to talk about the wait.

Firstly, if I am so incompetent how did I get this site up and running in under 24 hours when my Medium blog was shut down?

How have I published 2 patterns with a third about to be released in the last 6 months?

How many articles are published here in under a week?

I also hold down the equivalent of a full time job working with 2 other clients.

How long have you waited? How long have you waited for the pattern that is already written and just needs an update? How long have you waited for the new pattern? How long have you waited for the paid workshop? The current one that is up was only ever intended to the be the free tutorial – unless of course that changed – probably – nothing in writing remember?

How long have you waited for all of the other components, you know those other workshops you already paid for but are not being talked about – at all.

How long have you waited for your zips and thread?

Such a long time. Such a big issue that everyone seems content to accept. When you really want to complete something, the wait is something you carry around with you. The anticipation of an event, the frustration when it is not delivered on time, again and again and again.

You have a voice here – use it at your own peril though – you could find yourself on the outside of the group looking in, wishing you were back in there, waiting.

Wishing. Hoping. Waiting.

Life is short my puppets. Very, very short and time goes faster on this side of the hill. Do you really want to use those precious moments that are left, waiting for a fucking video and pattern because they say so?


Carry on.