Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Needy

We as humans have many basic needs. The need to eat, to be housed, to be loved and to belong.

Once these needs have been met, our human natures are for the most part generous, and want to help others when they are not doing so well.

We feel a need to help, to do something good for someone else, not only to help them, but it also makes us feel good for either just doing something nice, or the kudos it can bring from others. To be seen to be doing good work.

It’s not fun sometimes, just doing something on your own for someone else. We are social animals. We need to belong to somewhere or someone. It’s just how it is.

So when you multiply the need to do good, with the need to belong, an euphoric sense of community wells in your chest. Finally, a group where I feel I belong, and we’re doing something great for others as well. I can finally be me. I can finally contribute. Maybe I will be noticed in the group and it is here that I will thrive, lead and be popular.

When the emotion is welling up in your chest, when you feel it as a human, beating like the tribal drum, that is when the price tag is introduced. That is when you are told but we need money to do it, it’s not much, but we need it.

That is when you are most vulnerable. It’s not much. It’s my duty. Of course I will contribute to the cost. If that is what it takes, of course. I am doing the right thing.

These are the thoughts and feelings that are preyed upon. You have put your full trust into it. You believe you are doing a good thing.

I wished, so hard, just like you, that it was true.

It isn’t.

I cried.

I acted.

The money does not go to where it was intended. The good things never quite seem to eventuate. It is only ever intention – to get that tribal beat to rise in your chest to separate you from your cash.

It is still working. For every transaction that goes through, I feel a loss, that we won’t convince people of the truth which we know without doubt.

I can only continue to beat my own drum, and hope beyond hope, that justice prevails.


Carry on.