Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Over

Alone, an old lady sits in her trailer in Colorado without her partner because they broke up.

Seems to be the pattern for 2017. (love me those puns baby)

Your first instinct as a decent human will be to feel extremely sorry for her and want to help her. This is natural. Our brain tends to erase everything someone has done to us, when we see them hurting – we are feeling humans – they – not so much. Let’s take a look at the carnage for a second, and wonder, maybe finally karma is catching up.

First – me – obviously – I saw the truth and got the hell out of there as fast as possible. I wasn’t emotionally invested.

Then her most senior admins. After watching her destroy yet another person they realised who they were helping – and got the hell out.

Her shop assistant – gone – she didn’t move. She saw the truth and that promises were not going to be kept.

Finally, her partner. A long struggle with the truth. A hope that it wasn’t real. Alas, he finally saw the light and got the hell out.

Now to the outstanding orders – the video says give her a couple of days, then a couple of months, to get herself sorted out. Take from that what you will, but I’m guessing they won’t be out any time soon.

Last but not least the outstanding videos – and patterns – don’t forget about those babies. All the stuff you paid for. Don’t forget – they had your money over $50,000 and it’s gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.

The update to the original – still not available after months and months of rhetoric. A document has nothing to do with a website or any other matters.

The long awaited motherlode has only 4 overview videos the rest are repeats – great return on your investment – a workshop filled with free videos that are repeated throughout the site to distract you and make you feel like you have value.

The fairytale love story never was. Do not be fooled by the goosebumps and mirrors. I have all the info you can stand to hear about how much she hated him, all recorded. Don’t feel sorry for her, but feel glad for him that he finally drew a line in the sand for himself.

So if everyone you have grown to know and trust around her has LEFT – and the person who was left is blaming everyone and everything else for their misfortune – it’s THEM – not the people who are leaving.

Carry on