Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Perfect

Ah Jammie Chat how do I love thee. I even got a special mention and my other ‘co-conspirator’.  Here is what I said about the fog lifting earlier.

A few things. If you know that that video is going to be viewed and shared, why do you voluntarily add to my defamation case? Just asking. Because you think I won’t. I get it. I have.

Why do I get up every day and decide how to stop you – because I have nothing left. You made sure of that. My house – gone. My business – gone. Thanks to your videos. Thanks to your lies. It suited you to turn things this way.

You reign supreme on Craftsy – gonna love to hear what they have to say about that.

I am the most horrible person you know, because I am the only one who has stood up to you this way and not backed down. Everyone else fears and obeys you. Not me sista – I have nothing left to lose and nothing left to fear.


A pattern is a list of instructions that may or may not contain pattern pieces to aid in the construction of an item. Just so you know. It’s not a drawing of a side panel. It’s instructions on how to use it. And any patent attorney will tell you, you can’t copyright patterns for bags – they’ve all been around too long. Also a tray – not a new thing.


For all of you who are there watching her behaviour, for her telling you how bad it is that ‘her people’ got ousted for doing the right thing, think of all the others from your group who got ousted for simply asking when the videos and pattern would be ready. Zero tolerance there.


Watch and listen carefully. I stood up for what is right – I saw over $80,000 of money come in and no product go out. It wasn’t me, I’ve said it and proved it to law enforcement already. I am fearless because I am right and nothing she says can be proven in a court of law, but EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING I say can.


Wait until it’s your turn. Wait until you meet her displeasure. You think she won’t do the same to you? She will. And when she does, we will have your back. We will stand firm for you and the thousands of other customers we stand for who just want their pattern and videos that they paid for in November 2016.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.