Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Rash

Well fat cheeks has a rash. A rash of excuses that is. Here is the list of them – so far – of why you DON’T have a pattern or the videos to go with it.


Now remember the original pattern was written in 2014 and these excuses pertain to why you haven’t got your UPDATE either.

Pattern Thieves – can’t steal what doesn’t exist.

Site Sabbottage – not guilty and proven

Stalking – wonder who

Hacking – not me but congrats to whoever is.

Computer Trespass – I didn’t know computers had to take out AVO (apprehended violence orders.

Harrassment – not me – but hey you can turn off the computer at any time and actually get some work done – you know – like the rest of us.

Wire Fraud – what the fuck has that got to do with anything? Oh right – you’re actually participating in this right now and for every $29.00 you take. Moving on.

Internet Problems – again nothing to do with writing a pattern or filming videos #justsayin.

Ruined Videos (had to re-do) – Um I proved to everyone this wasn’t the case they were all there, in tact – the ones that you actually did. Developer dude even believed that you had actually made them. *sigh*.

Service Provider Updates – yeah cos I hang on everyone of these and stare at my screen doing nothing until the site updates – all of 30 seconds.

Hurricanes – in Colorado – really? Must have missed that one.

Sickness – I told you to take your vitamins but you’re so afraid of pills you won’t take them. Sucks to be you. Everyone else who may have gotten sick – ah they’re not writing the pattern or filming the videos FW.


So, this was written a few hours ago by your feared leader. Still happy that your money is sitting there doing nothing for you? Ask for a refund – it’s not too late – to whip it – whip it good.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.

