Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Tempting

We are all doing it tough in one way or another. Anyone who is even half conscious can see it is harder and harder to make an actual living doing the things that used to work. Even online what used to work now isn’t so much.

But there is still opportunity. There are still models that appear to be working for some, like creating their own ‘exclusive’ member sites, workshops and content. It looks like an easy way to make money. It is sold to us as a passive stream of income that will pay us for our lives forever with little to no work. It is tempting to buy into that dream and live happily ever after.

Here’s the thing.

It requires real and consistent work. REAL and CONSISTENT WORK.

It’s tempting to take the money. No human can deny it. What separates us is our consciousness and set of morals, and our moral compass.

Most people would not be able to sleep well knowing they have taken over $100,000 worth of subscriptions and not delivered. One of us can though, easily. EVERY. SINGLE NIGHT.

It is so tempting to throw up crap and hope that people will forget about their $9.00, all the while thousands of them are piling into her inbox every single day. Who cares about $9.00? Paypal could give a shit about your $9.00. BUT when thousands of people pay that every month, it’s a decent living. Conversely, when thousands complain to Paypal – they start to take notice.

As does your state law enforcement. I urge you all, to write your attorney general. Many of them have files open already. Don’t worry that it’s jut $9.00 or more of your own money. Don’t worry that you feel stupid for falling for fat cheeks’ shit.

Collectively, like drops of water make an ocean, we can all make a difference. When all the information is collated it becomes a MASSIVE fraud case.

If you still have friends in the groups, believing the rhetoric and excuses, please urge them to come here, read the information, and make up their own minds.

Together, we build a substantial case of fraud and together we can stop this so your next door neighbour, sewing friend, quilting circle friend, doesn’t lose another single precious cent to fat cheeks.

Carry on and let fear drive you forward.