Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew the All and Powerful Oz has spoken


Paper tigers yell loudly and their bite is, well, they don’t have one.

Hate to break this to you but calling a press conference about a pattern when North Korea is about to blow the world up, I think there are way more important things to actually watch – however let’s continue.

By all means keep the masses distracted with your rhetoric. If you had used all that energy into providing a product that is ALREADY PAID FOR to the tune of $80,000 you wouldn’t be where you are now.

Thanks for all theĀ evidence though – hope it’s a best viewed – it’s off to the lawyer to add to more counts.


I think I’m over $1Million in damages now.

How are those workshops going – you know – the ones people have PAID for – November 2016 was the first VIP payment – they are still waiting for an updated original pattern, a new pattern, and 4 other workshops.


Keep watching us and you will see how it’s done – we have 3 more patterns coming out within 7 days – THAT’s how WE ROLL.


Plus the puppet workshops will also begin soon. They are HILARIOUS when they try to thread a needle – just imagine it – and come enjoy the fun.


Think about this – WE HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED YET


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.

5 thoughts on “Sew the All and Powerful Oz has spoken

  • Sharon51

    What i found utterly discussing was the reference to date rape ???

  • Sharon51

    What i found utterly disgusting was the reference to date rape ???

  • Puppetmaker52

    I am no longer in her group and have no acess to the videos.

  • Tweedle Dee

    Sew…I was working on some puppet math…using puppet hypothetheticals of course… and I came to this conclusion: if one had a shopping cart and people put something in that cart (let’s say dollars, hypothetically) and you promised one certain person you would give them, I dunno, says hypothetical 5% of what other people put in the cart–and when it was all done, you gave that certain special person 7,000 hypothetical dollars—that would mean that you had 140,000 hypothetical $$ in your cart to begin with. Good puppet math? 7,000 is 5% of 140,000 in puppet math.
    And I always heard you can’t get something for nothing….hypothetically of course.

    • PuppetMaster

      Thank you for such excellent maths. I rest my case as to why I left – all that money – not a single product produced.

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