Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew The List is Out Again

I have mentioned this before here but it bears repeating for the new players.


By the way, just mentioning this again, she cannot tell whether you have been here and read this blog. In case you’re scared – which I totally get – read the book – she a screenshot of all your friends, likes, groups from Facebook and Instagram. She has a dossier on everyone who joins her group. So yeah, I get it. But you are free to read as much as you like here without fear of retribution. There are over 150 blog posts here – and I’m not even close to being done.


It appears that a ‘lawsuit’ has been filed against a great long list of ‘assholes’ that has been growing since 2014. Everyone who ever said a bad word against her apparently. I’m top of the list and glad to be there because I’m the one with the balls to take it further.  This threat has been offered for a long time, and often. The only thing that ever even came close was a cease and desist letter that she had drawn up and published to the web. Lawsuit? She doesn’t have the means – she can’t even pay for her teeth that are in her mouth already remember?


You will remember from this post about the steps I have taken already in case a lawsuit comes my way. The lawyer in the US has my full statement, has my forensic computer report, has screenshots of my name and address published over 100 times to over 50,000 people. I also have all the financial records of the scams, the emails and support tickets with the promised dates of delivery. All of this has gone to my lawyer in the US and other statutory authorities in the US in 3 states so far.


I am not afraid.


I have nothing to lose, except life and liberty. I’m not afraid. I shouldn’t be alive as it is already so any day I have is a bonus. If you take it away – it will only come back to bite you.




Think carefully witch. You know exactly what I have. You KNOW it. You also know EXACTLY WHO is waiting to react.


We actually have benefactors, and you know who they are, who can bankroll us FOREVER.


The Class Action is happening. Join here if you would like to help us.


Carry on and let fear drive you forward.