Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew the Money Where the Mouth Is

We got a copy of a lovely post today that calls our friend out over where her pattern originally came from. I could post it all here but don’t have permission.

Let’s just say that she was challenged on where her pattern came from, how she testifies to live and let live, there is no competition in patterns.

What a Joke – yesterday she was telling you that if you liked something she doesn’t approve – you are GONE.

So anyway, I hear a LOT of people liked the post. It was in all of her groups.

I wonder if she will put her block button where her mouth is and boot everyone who liked it.

Let’s see if she actually has the balls.

There is another surprise coming today – just wait and see what it is – and it’s not the eclipse in the US.

Carry on.