Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Theoretical

You know about those old time charlatans that used to sell potions and elixirs to cure everything? The internet is their new vehicle. They give you just enough truth mixed in outrageous claims to make it believable.

They baffle you with science, things that you won’t quite understand, yet simplify into terms you might, so that you get the point of what they’re saying.

They throw enough theoretical mud that you begin to think, “It all makes total sense.”

Why wouldn’t I want to make $100,000 a year working with her? Because it’s $100,000 taken from YOUR pockets with no product to show for it. I couldn’t do it. Though I know a lot can.

Keep believing in the goosebumps, the tear jerks, the emotional manipulation – it is captivating to watch – I almost felt remorseful – almost but not quite.

Because I remember how I got here. I know what I know.

I’m not convincing anyone anymore, but we’ll be here when you see your own light blinding you from all your long held beliefs, and you understand what has happened to you.

I was blessed that it only took me a few months.

Carry on.