Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Wake Up Maggie


I was sent a lovely screenshot earlier today about a feisty little argument about ore stolen pattern and who knows better than who else.

Our Maggie totally believs everything they have heard from the one known as fat cheeks.

I really can’t blame her. Fat cheeks is very convincing and if you haven’t been around to see everything unfold why wouldn’t you believe the story?

It seems it’s open slather now for everyone to steal everything and that apparently is OK. So don’t be complaining when she also steals your money and doesn’t supply you with anything dear warriors.

Also interesting was our Maggie naming a certain person as the owner of the said page created to keep causing more and more ‘hate’ against fat cheeks so she can’t get anything done.

I have had long conversations with this person. Very long. I also heard several slip ups made by fat cheeks from conversations I had had with them.

Still there no validation of this site. I wonder why? My guess is that they don’t want to quite let everyone know the real truth and all the actions that have come before. It’s an attention grabbing account – those poor admins will be chasing their tails even more trying to find out what I already know to be true, and they will never believe.

Just to be thorough, here is the link to the original pattern that the Mojo is modelled on. It’s free to download.Make up your own mind. Also Emmaline does have her own tutorials, for beginners, and groups and they are all FREE.

MAKE NO MISTAKE. This pattern was chosen so that fat cheeks could enter the lucrative bag accessory market and get you all to part with your money and provide you sub-par bad inferior quality hardware.