Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew What If

What if, everything she is saying about me is true? Let’s talk about that for a minute.

What if, I had been stalking her for years and knew her daughter before she died and was so angry with the way she was treated I plotted this dastardly ‘revenge’.

What if, I somehow managed to convince her to let me help her create a WordPress site, all the while knowing that I was going to destroy it before it began?

What if, I did all that?

Does it explain the months you are waiting for your zippers that as she admits, I had nothing to do with?

Does it explain the months you are waiting for your threads?

Months have passed since I had anything to do with the technical side of anything, and yet there is still no revision of the original pattern, promised to you in October 2016 for sure, but years before that.

Where are the other workshops? Where are the other patterns? Needle Wallet, Baby Bionic Gear Bag, Trash Bin Thingy, Dumpling Dish, Smile Bag?

Just to be categorically clear I did not do as she suggests. 

What I am suggesting is, even if it were all true, it still does not excuse or explain her behaviour or lack thereof in providing you the products you paid for.

She can huff and puff and blow fire and smoke as much as she likes, but YOU are still WITHOUT and she just flew first class to Florida.

Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.

One thought on “Sew What If

  • Dreamsnake

    The reality of it all is you are just a handy excuse. She flipped what was left of her lid when you blew the whistle on her schemes & cons, and just like countless con artist before her, she immediately tried to blame you as a way of damage control. The problem for her is you didn’t stay down when she attached, you’ve gotten back up and fought for all you’re worth.
    Surely people have GOT to see by now that it’s all a ruse – a con to keep their money in HER pocket without doing a damn thing.
    I used to feel sorry for her little “yes” women & men who believed her bs, but I don’t anymore. Quite frankly if they can’t see by now just what a liar, bully and con artist she is, IMHO they’re just as bad. Apparently some people enjoy being a SBS Charity & used. Danged if I can figure out why!

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