Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew What is it going to take

I really want to know. What is it going to take for you to stand up and leave? For you to stand with me against this woman?

I know there are many of you in the shadows and I understand completely, believe me, why you are afraid. But here is the thing.

She can’t hurt you like she has hurt me. She is after my blood not yours. You cannot be added to a lawsuit for an opinion or for leaving a group.

She has ruined my business – I can’t get any more clients.

This led to me not being able to pay my mortgage – bye bye house.

She has taken 2 suppliers Zipperstop and Superior Threads down with her blaming them for all of her supplier issues.

She has made grown woman cry, cower, and stay in their homes for months for fear of running into her.

She has intimidated, lied, stolen, manipulated her way into $100,000 taken from the lonely, weak and marginalised.

I implore you now, if you are in her groups just for shits and giggles or you’re waiting for a ‘pattern’ or what you ‘paid for’ leave now. Show her the numbers she thinks she has are not actual real numbers.

For the sewing community in general – now is the time to show your support. There is no perfect time. She continues to take in substantial amounts of money EVERY SINGLE DAY – money that is taken from YOUR BUSINESS to be spent with a bully and someone who cannot and will not deliver paid goods.

Here are some things you can do:


Leave all her grouops

Ask for your refund

Contact her suppliers

Contact paypal

Support our patterns

Contact your local and federal consumer bodies


Our free videos with the puppets will be beginning shortly showing you not one, but three different ways to construct these bags. And we don’t need a thousand wonder clips to do it either.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.