Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Worried

I saw some screenshots today. About two women and zippers that they were waiting on from an order in March 2017. That’s 6 months. 6 months of waiting. They didn’t want to be a pain and ask about them. They had sent tickets to support as instructed and no replies. So what recourse did they have? They had to post.


You can feel the fear and trepidation in their text. They were worried about how they might look to other people. How selfish and unsupportive they appear to ask a question about goods they had paid for and not received.


After 6 months of waiting.


6 months for zippers.


11 months for patterns and videos.


Are you still waiting? – If so, can I ask why? Would you tolerate this from Amazon? Ebay? Probably not. But you are so worried and scared of what this woman will do to you if you appear disloyal by asking for your goods and services, for asking for a refund, that you remain silent and keep throwing money at her just in case she turns on you.


So, find your courage. Ask for your goods and services. That is the actual law – to provide goods and services after taking payment for them.


I won’t be blogging as much over the next week or so as I travel to Colorado and elsewhere in the United States to give sworn evidence.


So, believe me now or not, but this is coming to an end and you can leave your money with her or you can get your money now. But you won’t have both in a very short amount of time.


The customer should not be worried about their purchases. But the seller should be shitting their pants. Keep stuffing those donuts in fat cheeks. When you line the videos up side by side you can actually time lapse them getting bigger.


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.