Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew You Want To Be a Rockstar

Being a sewing rockstar is really hard. First you have to actually be able to sew — really, really well.

But that doesn’t matter if you surround yourself with people who actually can.

Then you need to create patterns (plural) that people love. Not just one great one, but many great ones.

You need to provide value to a community, not vitriolic hatred.

But all of that doesn’t matter if you can do the following:

  1. Tap into people’s emotions and their need to help others.
  2. Tap into their grief and create a false sense of safety — I understand — honey.
  3. Shear the sheep — keep taking little bits of money so they won’t notice it.
  4. Collect lonely people who love gossip and drama
  5. Threaten them with being kicked out of the community if they disagree or ask questions
  6. Create wild excuses for not delivering the products they paid for.
  7. Create another product to distract them that is all shiny and beautiful and offers them another chance to belong — only if they pay.
  8. Tell them it’s for something good — to help others — see the laws on charity in your state or territory here.

This is a brilliant manipulation. But that is what it is — a manipulation of people’s emotions and their wallets. It’ll pay your rent for sure — but is it the right thing to do?

Wanting to belong is one of the most powerful emotions on the planet, the need to be liked, loved, accepted. The need to share grief, have support, a shared understanding. These emotions, manipulated in the wrong hands, will see you separated from your cash.

Be a rockstar by all means. Just decide consciously that you want to give someone who hasn’t given you the product you already paid for, more money.

Carry on.