Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sewing Breach

You understand contracts right? It’s an agreement, usually written, where two parties come to an arrangement. Likewise a service agreement, you both agree as to what one party will do for the other. Pretty standard documents give it take some conditions.

Also you understand invoices right? That’s when you send a bill for goods and services to be paid for by the person who uses them.


What is your feeling when someone will NOT enter a written contract? Also they Will NOT sign a service agreement. Will NOT accept invoices and will ONLY converse and interact with you via video and verbally. Do you have a good feeling or bad feeling? It’s your word against theirs.

So when you have found out some background stuff about that person you didn’t know before your association with them, and knowing that your only recourse is to record the video – you fucking record the video – and thankfully also.

It is so interesting to me that she felt the need to short circuit something before it even comes to light.

Thanks for all those extra admissions and confessions though.

Thanks for spelling out my name too – makes it way easier for the defamation case – they know exactly who you were talking about.

Now that I know who MT32 and Annie Jackson Instagram accounts were, it is not just interesting to me that they came down an hour before the Cease and Desist – it’s telling. Although the document was up briefly on the internet with my home address on it, the date and time were not visible. Only those who had had the document written and or received the document knew the date and time it took effect.

They are implying that I of course was responsible for those accounts. But I can assure you, and have already been forensically examined to prove what I am about to say to you now, I was not, nor ever have been MT32 or Annie Jackson on Instagram. But I know who is.

Can you add 2 and 2 together? Who else, aside from the lawyers who wrote the document, knew the exact time and date the Cease and Desist took effect?


Carry on.