Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sewing Forensic Files

I love that show – Forensic Files – teaches you heaps.

I have said before and I am going to reiterate here that I got an independent forensic examination undertaken. It cost me a fair bit, but I think worth it in the end.

It came back proving everything that I was saying, and much, much more. I love private investigators. They can find out ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

Someone sent me this link today – about a couple who were ordered to pay over $1million to a photographer who they slandered online.

Turns out, with my name being spelled out all over the place, that’s worth quite a bit of actual damages. Not to mention my email which is now so full of viagra spam it’s hard to find where my work ones actually are.

Great job! For every view, every comment, every lost client – it all adds up to another count for me.


I can prove that I didn’t do what I am being accused of. Even though you’re innocent until proven guilty – it turns out it’s the other way around in the rockstar world. I was guilty for breathing and I had to prove the right to take air. I have done so.

They cannot prove I did anything – but I can PROVE I DIDN’T.

Sew it’s going to be really interesting what the jury makes of it all – don’t you think?

Carry on.