Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sewing Law Suits

Before you fund any law suit for alleged activities, let me tell you something categorically – THEY WILL LOSE and you will lose your money.

Here’s why.

I didn’t do what they say. Not only didn’t I do it, I have a forensic report, which cost me a few thousand dollars, that is hundreds of pages long filled with logs of every single one of my computer activities both online and off, to prove that I didn’t.  It’s with the authorities already to be used in ways that you will come to see shortly.

If a stranger comes to this site, they have no idea what or who I’m talking about.

If a stranger goes to her group – they get my name – spelled out for them, all my previous names, my address, my email address and hours of rhetoric about how diabolical I am.

Every mention of my name equals one count of slander. One count of slander = 3 years of damages.

To add just to that video, I have hundreds of hours of more, supplied to me and also recorded by me, which adds more and more counts of slander, defamation and libel. In living colour and black and white text.

I am not the one asking for money for charity and then not giving it to the intended purpose. The INTENTION is there – sure – but great cities have fallen on good intentions. It’s what you actually do that matters. That money – I know where it went and it wasn’t the dentist as a donation that’s for sure.

I am not the one asking for money for workshops and patterns that are STILL 10 months since November 2016 when the first payment was taken – not done.

If you’re having trouble completing a task because life gets in the way – YOU STOP TAKING SUBSCRIPTIONS until you get caught up. Did this happen – hell no – she sold more.

You know why those zippers aren’t out to you yet – she can’t pay the shipping.

Think critically about things. That is all I ask. It’s easy to believe those crocodile tears – but that is what they are. She has done all of this to herself through her greed, manipulation and viscousness.


It was extremely disturbing to me to see a young child coaxed into doing the same thing, making workshops for her friends and the answer she gave when asked why do you want to do that “I WANT TO MAKE MONEY”

Out of the mouths of babes.

We all want to make money – absolutely. Making money usually requires an EXCHANGE OF GOODS AND SERVICES. Not taking the money and when you get around to it maybe providing those services. You have the goods and services ready to go, hit the market, and hope people buy. Or, you make it crystal clear, like Masterclass Series, what the date of production will be – and then deliver.

Fund a desperate old woman who has got herself into a mess if you must, but remember her history first. You are throwing good money after bad. NOBODY has that much bad financial luck – that is a pattern of behaviour.

Carry on.