Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sewing Lists

Are you on the naughty or nice list? Did you get your name ‘put on the list’ that they are keeping of everyone whoever liked something that said something bad or negative or read one of these articles?

Must be a helluva long list considering I’ve hit over 12,000.

I of course am on the top of the list – for everything bad that ever happened, including, somehow being involved in her daughter’s death.

Let me point out what is happening to you right now.

You are being told exactly what you can and can’t like, who you can and can’t be friends with, which groups you can and can’t be in, what patterns you can and can’t buy. Did you wake up in China?

I have an ever increasing list of VIP’s and members who cannot get their money back, nor can they get into the groups, nor the website to which they have a fully paid membership. We are collecting all this info and determining whether a class action is possible. You know by now I don’t bluff. That video was seen by a few of you, taken down now as it has become evidence. So have all the other zoom files recently came to hand. You can’t see them I’m sorry. They are now evidence.

If you are a member of the website or community groups, ou are are their whim. WHIM. You displease your master you shall be banished henceforth without recompense. Why is that? There is no money left to refund. Plus she is just mean.

Those zipper orders from January – we have our own list of people still waiting to receive them. No refunds given for those either!

I know it seems like you are lucky to be in the community group of a designer of a very popular bag – not the greatest most selling ever in the world – but it’s nice. What you don’t see are the hundreds of thousands of people waiting to embrace you outside of that group – to give you a place to belong, to contribute and be part of something authentic. No money changes hands to allow it either.

If you have to pay to be a part of something – it’s not authentic. Real community and friendships grow organically from shared interests and mutual understanding. Not how much you can pay someone to be on the inside. Acceptance of our differences, not banishment for thinking differently from your leader.

It is her realm. I have that on video a number of times. And you are her faithful servants and army. If you want that, no worries, stay where you are. But if you don’t want to be thought of as an asset to push influence, a member of an army, a taker of names and keeper of lists (for what purpose), then hit that leave group button and leave her with her small amount of minions to do such destructive work.

Carry on.

3 thoughts on “Sewing Lists

  • Dreamsnake

    For anyone who doubts it? I can state with full confidence that this abovementioned people (we who survived “she who shall not be named”) are definitely here waiting to support & help in any way possible, especially the writer and owner of this site.
    It’s insanity to think that anyone can tell you you can or can’t buy a pattern, read or comment on a blog, a post, or simply speak our own minds. We aren’t children, we don’t live in North Korea – we have the right not only those things but ALSO to receive what is payed for, and that includes access to groups & communities, ESPECIALLY ones people paid to be part of!

    Please, PLEASE wake up out there! “She who shall not be named” is NOT who you think she is! ?

  • Sharon51

    I will not have another person tell me who I can like. Who’s pattern I can buy. What I can like or dislike. What I can make comments on. Who does this person think she is. How dare she ?

    • PuppetMaster

      Yes indeed

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