Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet

Sewing Smarts

To succeed in any business you have to be smarter or have something else that nobody has – and wants.

If you aren’t smarter than everybody else, you have to be more cunning, more resourceful, and more desperate than anyone else. Prepared to do and say anything to make sure no-one interferes with it.


So first of all, you have to fake it until you make it. To fake it you have to make it look like you have been doing it for years and gather as much equipment as possible.

Then you hit Youtube to find out how all that shit actually works.

Then when a colleague asks you to help with putting something together, you sound wise and say, “you’ll work it out – I don’t want to spoon food you” because you have no idea how to fix that particular problem.

When in a group, if a question comes up, you generously defer the answer to someone else, appearing magnanomou, sharing the fame, “Well that’s an interesting questions, how would you approach that XXXX?”

When on video, you sew very, very slowly, accentuating it is because you are showing what to do, but it’s really because you are petrified of being found out, of making a mistake that is so obvious, you will be found out.

All great actors have said the same thing “I am terrified that they are going to find out I can’t act” and yet they can. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for sewists.

So everyone who has ever been on retreat or seen live, face to face demonstrations, think about this….


Did you ever actually see them sew?

Did they instruct you on how to create something new?

Did they ask for your creations to take home to ‘show off’ your work (but never actually give you credit for it?)


Where are all the things that aren’t finished? Where are the mistakes and dead project bodies lying around everywhere, waiting to be taken apart for spare parts (I have a whole container load).

And tell me, please, how is it that the only pictures available for the original pattern are the same as the bag that is still being used, and not a single other one has been produced to be made by her? All pictures of those bags are made by others and the one that is shown as another example, was made by someone else at a retreat.


Carry on.