Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

What You Want and Need to Hear

Conflict is horrible. Agendas are on both sides. One to defend, and one to attack.

When the attacker wants to be victorious, they will often go to great lengths to win. Narcissists know no bounds.

The truth is revealed to them, with evidence supporting it. Their response? You faked those emails. You manipulated everyone. You are a liar.

The proof though shows the opposite.

In matters of the law, you are innocent until proven guilty. The accused need not say a word as it is the prosecutor who has to prove intent, and prove that everything you are charging indeed happened.

In the narcissist view, you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent.

And even then, when you prove your innocence, it is not enough because they need you to be guilty.

And they will keep going and going and going until they hear what they need to.

It will never come from me. Your story does not fit the actions.

Your despicable actions though tell a whole other story about you though. One that is worth sharing.