Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

When Trust is Lost

Sometimes in business, you lose the trust of your colleagues. Sometimes it’s nothing you can put your finger on, but you have a deep feeling in your gut that something may not be quite right.

It starts when people insist on not putting anything in writing. Some people are like that — mainly, in my experience, cos they can’t actually read or write — so they work verbally. Nothing wrong with that.

Except in a dispute you only have their word against yours.

Unless you think ahead.

Technology is so wonderful. I really love Zoom. You can record everything that ever happens on it, often without the person knowing you are doing it.

But in some circumstances you don’t have the power to do that recording if the link doesn’t come from your account.

In comes Screenflow to the rescue. You can record everything without anyone, except you, knowing, and in most courts of any land, if one party knows they’re being recorded, that’s you, the recording is admissible as evidence.

Luckily, for me, I began using it at a time when things really did start to go South. I have the recording of an extremely important conversation regarding a bus, some videos, and a partner.

Carry on