Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sew Like a Puppet

How to Sew Like a Puppet

First it’s really important you get people around you who get you, and will understand the particular challenges that puppets can face when they are first learning to sew.

Puppets face unique obstacles when learning to sew:


Their arms are often too short

Their feet can’t reach the foot pedal

Their fingers are too big to thread the needle

Their eyes don’t actually work


These are all unique to puppets but with careful planning and consideration, it is possible for puppets to overcome these challenges and learn to sew.

Our Puppet Gear Bag Workshop is specifically designed for puppets beginning to sew for the first time, and we will discuss how to overcome these issues and have a successful bag at the end of the workshop.


Hope to see you there.