Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sew Like a Puppet

SBI – Sewing Bureau of Investigation

Are you scared yet? Have you seen the latest photo inside the FBI offices?

Little do they know, there is already a file open on them.

Oops did I let the puppet out of the bag? Sorry. Nothing private here any more.

Just in case you were wondering, you can photograph lobbies etc of federal buildings.

I don’t think they will be able to resist spilling all the beans of their discussions though, and that is an offence.

Am I scared – hell no – I am laughing my ass off. They just shot themselves in both feet and one knee cap.

Carry on

This is Detective Sergeant Sew It All at your service

One thought on “SBI – Sewing Bureau of Investigation

  • Puppetmaker52

    What a cute sargent

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