Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew It’s a Whole New Website – Except it Isn’t

I hear a whole new website is being built and everyone just has to be patient because FC is busy making something for you all to enjoy so don’t be so ungrateful.




Why would I be ungrateful? I paid over 18 months ago and some of those people have paid 2 or 3 times and STILL don’t have a motherlode workshop or PATTERN and that sold separately for $49.00.


Moving on. I have to tell you something a bit technical so you understand exactly how much bullshit you are being fed on a daily basis.


I went snooping because even though FC has tried very hard, she still hasn’t banned me from the internet. I found something interesting.


On one of the pages that is a redirect to the new website, it says something like we’re busy building the new site go to here to get all your content. I’m not going to put an exact link up because I don’t want people going there, but if you do, you will soon see what I mean.


The new site is going onto a SUBDOMAIN of the original site. Sew for example, instead of being it’s now


What does this mean? I’m glad you asked.


A subdomain, is like a subfolder. So when you save something in your folders on your computer, you have them all broken up into Important, Not Important, Must Do Right Away. etc. So to get to your Not Important folder, you have to first navigate to your main folder. If you can’t find your main folder, you can’t find your Not Important folder.


It’s basically the same with the subdomain. What this actually means is, in real terms, the performance of the site won’t change one teeny weeny bit. In fact it may get worse because you are not going directly to the site domain anymore, but to one of its subfolders.


It’s still on the same server.

It’s still on the same host.

It still has exactly the same amount of loading power it had before (could be less in real terms of going through a subfolder thingy remember)


What does this have to do with anything? It’s just another excuse, and a very poor one at that.


She doesn’t have a technology issue – at all. She has a get off my ass and do the work issue.


It’s much more fun to look like Oz the almighty than to actually know what the hell you’re doing.


Carry on and let fear drive you forward.