Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Micro Money Matters

It seems there is a new model at hand – or should I say a new way to fleece you from your money. Let me explain the economics for you.

Micro payments are making a lot of people very, very rich. Look at Candy Crush for example and other games you might play. You get a boost here, a new life there, and it only costs you maybe 0.99 cents at a time so you don’t care about it right? So with millions of people playing that game all around the world and not caring about a dollar here or there, well the maths is pretty simple. I’ve met people who have spent nearly $500.00 a month on Candy Crush – go figure.

Moving on.

So let’s say you’re offered a membership that costs you a dollar (or maybe three dollars) a month. You don’t care about a single dollar a month right? You will probably have to pay for it in advance though, because the cost to the vendor for processing a single dollar transaction almost prevents them from charging it – they might end up with 50c if they’re lucky. So you will pay for the year’s membership in advance – a whole $12.00 ($36.00 if it is raised to $3.00 a month). This membership is for ‘special’ sewing weekend projects that you can create.

You’ve heard of Youtube right? It’s free and everything.

Moving on.

So let’s say 1,000 people decide to take up this offer – that’s a cool $12,000 (or $36,000) into the pocket and you will of course be delivered a project a month.

Wait a second – isn’t that what the VIP membership was? Ten videos a week, then reduced to five videos a week? Anybody seen any of those yet?

The VIP’s are STILL WAITING for patterns and updates, not to mention the 5 other workshops that haven’t even started yet.

So will you really pay an EXTRA $1.00 (or $3.00)  A MONTH to someone who still has not delivered the product they already received $100,000 for?

Micro payments matter. Our hard earned gets squandered week after week on these seemingly trifle things that we do for our enjoyment.

But do not forget, the money is still leaving your pocket and lining someone else’s – and hers is lined with enough already.

Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.


One thought on “Sew Micro Money Matters

  • Fizzyone

    Thank you for this site. I was tempted by the VIP membership (which is now $179/year) and am glad I looked for reviews first. Wow! She won’t get a dime of my money.

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