Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sewing Stories

Sew Much Culture

I got more screen shots last night of an Admin melt down. Someone who I truly admired and hoped would understand where I was coming from, and see the truth for what it is.

When emotion is in play, and someone feels ‘love’ for someone, it can be blinding. It is not true love. It is an admiration love. It is love of an ideal. Of what someone is trying to accomplish. You love what they love, or what they tell you they love. You want to be a part of something real and lasting and you think they are the way to fulfil that emptiness. But they are not.

You begin to see it in the cracks. You begin to see it in the culture of the group. You begin to see it in how customers start talking to you. Their fury. Their frustration. They want answers. You defend and defend. Until you begin to doubt and ask yourself what it is that you are defending. A culture of entitlement. How dare customers want what they paid for? You forget that you as a customer, would not stand for this behaviour in any other company. How would you feel if you paid $129.00 for a product without notes to even follow and the only answer you get when you enquire is to stop being so inpatient. It’s coming, they have had a bad day, week, month and years.

The three month mark is the turning point. You are there now. Fulfilling my shoes. Trying to keep everyone calm until the work can be done. But still, it is not done. When every conceivable obstacle is removed, it is still not done.


On our side our culture is one of work. We hope we do well. We produce a product and hope it is received well. It has been. We are lucky. One of my associates has become the top US seller of a sewing machine – the company has sold out and they are on back order. You can place an order here for the first shipment in mid November. (send her a message)

This is what work looks like. Rewards follow hard labour. It is not the other way around. Pay me now, and eventually I will get around to providing a product for you,  providing all the jackasses in the world leave me alone.

This is not how you would work. It is not what you would expect from any other company in the world – so why do you expect and accept it there?

You are emotionally invested that’s why. A clever manipulation to get you hooked in. To be on the ‘right’ side. To do the ‘right’ thing. What is the right thing? To provide a product for payment or not take payment until a product is ready? To keep you waiting over 180 days so you cannot get your money back, or to stop taking payments until the product is ready?

The ‘right’ thing is subjective. Ample time was given for the ‘right’ thing to be done. Now, I am doing what is right for me, and right for the customers who just want to make a bag FFS.


I hope you begin to see, what I already know. I am the voice of countless customers who have been abused and are too afraid to bear the brunt of her tirade and online campaigns. I am fearless. I will not stand by a moment longer and say and do nothing. This is the consequence of her actions and I HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED YET. 


Carry on – and let fear guide you forward to action.


One thought on “Sew Much Culture

  • AgnesB

    I wish I had waited until the pattern bundle to buy. ?
    I saw the ad of that machine in a magazine and it’s really beautiful … so beautiful that I kind of hope my own machine die so I can get the new one … LOL!

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