Sew Like a Puppet

Not Everyone Can Do It – but we will show you how

Sew Like a Puppet
Sew Like a PuppetSewing Stories

Sew You Want to be a Yearly Sucker

Oh My Goodness puppets sew much has happened! And yet NOTHING AT ALL!


There is still only ONE WEEKEND WARRIOR PROJECT – And it was a free pattern by another designer. People are still subscribed for $25.00 a month for NOTHING! I wish.


There is now another push for everyone to pay yearly subscriptions? Are you KIDDING me?


Also this is a very important thing I want you to do and to tell all your sewing friends to do, it’s really, really important.


By the looks of things over 700 people signed up to fat cheeks main group THIS WEEK. Where are these people coming from? If 700 people signed up to her website this week and started paying, holy cow batman this is not going to be easy to stop.




You know on facebook how you get suggested groups showing up? THAT is how she is getting all these new people. So next time you’re in another sewing group just take a peak at the suggested and you’ll see what I mean. Not much we can do about this, BUT we can do something else.


  • Let the administrator of your sewing pages know that somebody is stealing their members and then ripping them off.
  • Check your on profiles and see if you’ve been added to the group without noticing and then leave
  • Encourage everyone in sewing groups to be aware of the scam that is still going – nearly 2 years now peeps and over $1million I do not exaggerate
  • Go through the member group list of members and see if you know anyone who may still a member that wouldn’t be happy about it and let them know.
  • Post on your on wall – she can’t do anything to you – I’m still standing and so shall we stand together.

I cannot believe this is still going on with such intensity and deception and that people are STILL PAYING MONEY.


Please everybody urge as many people as you can to unsubscribe and get out of her groups. Send them here and let them read the history of what has been going on.


Carry on and let fear drive you forward.